
Just a paramedic in Northern Virginia. Follow this for files.

One Response

  1. Hi DTsEMT,

    I’m the editor of EMS1.com, the leading online news and resource site for first responders, paramedics, and emergency medicine professionals. To further engage our active and growing membership of 65,000, we are proud to announce that we have just launched our new EMS1 Blog Directory.

    Based on the subject matter of your posts and the dedication to your site, I would like to invite you to participate on the EMS1 page as a featured blog. By being featured, you would not only guarantee a dedicated and passionate audience, but a significantly increased readership as well.

    To reciprocate, we ask that you place an EMS1 widget on your page to promote interaction of the EMS community. The news and Twitter widgets provide the latest breaking headlines and tips in the EMS industry. They can be found in our Blog Directory or emailed to you if that is more convenient.

    Please let me know if you would like to participate and if you have any questions. I look forward to having you as part of our community.


    Shannon Eliot
    EMS1 Editor

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